History is an important subject that often gets shoved into the shadows while math, reading, and writing take the spotlight. There’s a great deal of
Signs of History
Signs of History
Growing up, I remember many times when we would travel as a family. I always wanted to get where we were headed as soon as possible, but often my dad
National History
National History
July 2, 1776. It was on this day that the Continental Congress in America decided to declare independence from England. Two days later, July 4th,
Discovering State History
Discovering State History
Here’s a fun fact; the Rockville Bridge in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is the longest stone arch bridge in the world. Constructed between April 1900 and
The Importance of Family History
The Importance of Family History
The witty humorist Mark Twain is believed to have said, “Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponents