Learn from veteran homeschool moms how to set up a homeschool space that helps your students flourish. We will offer practical tips you can adapt to
Embracing the Transition from Public School to Homeschooling [Show]
Embracing the Transition from Public School to Homeschooling [Show]
Transitioning to homeschooling is as much about changing our point of view of what we believe education to be as it is about doing academics at the
Goal Setting: An Essential Skill for Your Homeschool Journey [Show]
Goal Setting: An Essential Skill for Your Homeschool Journey [Show]
Goal setting is the key to success in so many endeavors. Let us help you create some SMART goals for your homeschool that will keep you on track
Do I Have What It Takes to Homeschool My Child? [Show]
Do I Have What It Takes to Homeschool My Child? [Show]
Parents who have not yet begun their homeschooling journey often say they don't know if they have what it takes. Join us for a panel discussion with
Creating an Unhurried Homeschooler Attitude in the Midst of a Frenetic Homeschool World [Show]
Creating an Unhurried Homeschooler Attitude in the Midst of a Frenetic Homeschool World [Show]
Join us for a conversation with author, speaker, podcaster, and chief encourager Durenda Wilson of the Unhurried Homeschooler. Her frank and honest
What’s Your Homeschool Philosophy? [Show]
What’s Your Homeschool Philosophy? [Show]
Homeschooling takes so many different forms. This is the time of year when parents consider starting their homeschool journey. Join us for a
Pros and Cons of Changing Curriculum [Show]
Pros and Cons of Changing Curriculum [Show]
We all have our favorite curriculum. What are the things to consider when you feel like your favorite is not serving your child well? Join us as we
Preventing Summer Learning Loss [Show]
Preventing Summer Learning Loss [Show]
If you are a family who traditionally takes the summer off, how do you get back in the academic "groove" after summer? Our team will share practical
How to Plan Your Homeschooling [Show]
How to Plan Your Homeschooling [Show]
Join us as we host Pam Barnhill, award-winning educator and homeschool mom of three awesome kids. A recovering public school teacher, Pam is the