

Whether you are new to homeschooling, a veteran homeschooler, considering taking the plunge, or just looking for practical ideas for your student conventions and virtual events are great places to gain information to help you get the most out of your experience.


Throughout the year we host a variety of free virtual events and attend a number of conventions. Check back frequently as we add events often.


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Is It the Curriculum, the Kid, or Me?

Online (Link in the description)

Free Virtual Event

Before making any drastic changes to your curriculum or assuming it's your student, join us for an insightful discussion to explore the root of the disconnect and discover effective solutions.

Exploring Homeschool Styles: What Fits for Your Family?

Online (Link in the description)

Free Virtual Event

From traditional, structured learning to more relaxed, unschooling methods, the options can feel overwhelming. Careful consideration of the how of homeschooling can be as important as the curriculum you use.

Unlock Responsibility: How to Give Your Student a Loving Push

Online (Link in the description)

Free Virtual Event

Join us for an insightful discussion on navigating the delicate art of letting go and equipping your students with the skills they need to confidently embrace adulthood's responsibilities.