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Version Compatibility

I have an older version of a Math-U-See Instruction Manual. Is it compatible with current Student Workbooks?

Yes, an older edition of the Instruction Manual is compatible with a current Student Workbook. Our Product Development Team has thoughtfully designed the updated Student Workbooks to be compatible with an older Instruction Manual.

If you have an older Instruction Manual that does not contain the solutions to the Application and Enrichment pages, those solutions can be found in the “Solutions” section of that level’s Digital Pack.

-Application and Enrichment solutions are provided for the Gamma–Pre-Algebra levels.

Click here for instructions on how to access the Application and Enrichment Solutions in the Digital Toolbox.

What enhancements have been made over the years?

  • Instruction Manual: Includes additional teaching tips and examples. Definitions of terms are clarified, primary concepts that had previously only been implied are clearly defined, and secondary concepts which had previously been absent have been added.
  • Student Workbooks: Additional worksheets called “Application and Enrichment” have been added to levels Primer–Pre-Algebra. The Activities pages for Alpha and Beta have been removed and integrated in the Student Workbook as part of the Application and Enrichment pages 
  • Tests booklet: Edits have been made to the tests themselves to reflect the wording in the Student Workbook. 
  • DVDs: The packaging of the DVD case has changed, but the videos have not changed.
  • Manipulatives: The packaging of the manipulatives has changed and includes more blocks or fraction overlays than previous sets.  

I have older manipulatives. Can I use them with the current Math-U-See Instruction Manual and Student Workbooks?

Yes, you can. The shape and colors of the manipulatives have not changed. We have increased the number of blocks/fraction overlays in each set so your student will have enough to do all the practice problems. 

I have an Algebra 1 Instructor Manual that ends with Lesson 34 and a Student Workbook that ends with Lesson 35. What should I do?

The compatibility of an older edition of the Algebra 1 Instruction Manual (with lessons up to 34) with the current version of the Algebra 1 Student Workbook (with 35 lessons) is cumbersome and complex. Therefore, we highly recommend that a current Instructor Pack is purchased. If you need assistance with purchasing or have questions, please contact our Customer Service Team for more information.

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